I’m a Mom.


I’m a mom. I’m a wife. I’m a Believer. I’m a writer. I’m a super hero. I’m a kisser of boo boo’s. I’m a burner of dinners. I’m a dreamer. I’m a lover of wine. I’m a goof. I’m a multi-tasker. I’m a wannabe photographer. I’m an open ear. I’m a snuggler. I am perfectly imperfect but perfectly in love with my boys. I’m a mess. Our life is a mess. But, what a beautiful mess it is.

Three years ago, we welcomed our first child into the world, and I began blogging “a beautiful mess” as a first time stay at home mom for family. When our second arrived earlier this year, I went silent, too overwhelmed with two to blog on. Here’s my fresh start in a much more open environment telling the battles and joys of a stay at home mom. Cheers to Motherhood!